Frequently Asked Questions
My database is a mess, can you still use it?
YES – Before we begin a CRM programme we thoroughly clean and de-duplicate your data. This includes correcting spellings, ensuring text is in the right upper and lower case, etc. This is done each time we extract data from your DMS to ensure you have a solid reliable Retail Marketing Database. We also amend your database each time An Post returns mail due to poor address or a customer moving house.
Can you take data directly from my Dealer Management System?
YES – We have many years database marketing experience, working with all the major DMS suppliers and extracting information including: ADP (Kerridge), Autoview (Systems Design), Avonbrook, Profile and Global.
Is my data safe and confidential?
YES – You will always own the database. It will never be used for any 3rd party marketing. Your data is also protected under the 2005 Data Protection Act. Our company is registered with the data commission as data controllers and data processors.
Does the customer know my CRM is outsourced?
NO – The customer is never aware your CRM is outsourced. We only use your franchised letterhead and all texts, etc are branded with your dealer name.
I have more than one franchise, is this a problem?
NO – Certainly not, it is a great opportunity. We will implement a CRM programme specific to each franchise. This includes using different letterheads for each brand and a unique programme for each brand.
How long does it take to get started?
Usually about 10 days from the date of receiving the initial data file to the time of the first customer communication.
How much work will I have to do?
Very little, each month we will ask you to approve your CRM file – that’s it!